Welcome to the PNPCA Safety CommitteeThe PNPCA Safety Committee was formed as a platform for members to gather information and help each other grow as an industry. This area is where you can find highlights from previous meetings, articles, links, and other useful information that can help you protect your employees, visitors, and your company. Have information or experiences you would like to share? Interested in joining the Safety Committee? Please contact [email protected] for more information. Wilbert Precast, Inc. is doing a brief safety orientation on their Infectious Disease Prevention Program with returning employees and what their part is to help keep everyone healthy while returning back to work. They also have implemented a Delivery Driver Procedure and a document to share with visitors who are entering their building. Document SharepointDocument Sharepoint is where members can find quick links to topics that are relevant to them. Need a flyer on visitor safety at your plant? Need information on eye safety? View this area for more information! |