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Thank you to Granite Precast for the photo on this page Deep Precast Sewer Wet Well/Pump Station
Precast box sections are recommended for installations where circular concrete pipe cannot provide adequate flow capacity, and as a superior substitute for cast-in-place box culverts, long span metal arches, short bridges, and multi-barrel circular culverts or drains.
 Precast catch basins are the most widely used storm drainage product on the market. Concrete catch basins can be constructed in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be designed to meet specific site conditions.
When it comes to strength, durability, and hydraulics, precast reinforced manholes are unmatched in reputation for quality. With a proven 100 year service life, concrete manholes are durable and watertight under a wide range of installation conditions. This information covers structural performance, quality, economics, risk management, durability, and design. A table of basic dimensions of manholes is also included.
When it comes to strength, durability, and hydraulics, reinforced concrete pipe is unmatched in its reputation for quality. This contains information covering design and installation including: evaluating hydraulic requirements; selecting standard installations, evaluating maximum and minimum heights of cover; and specifying pipe size and class. The following tables are also included: full flow discharge coefficients, standard installation trench detail, standard installations, standard installation soil categories, and full flow discharge coefficients.
Precast concrete tanks, also known as septic systems are sewage treatment systems common in areas with no connection to main sewage pipes. These tanks provide an environmentally sound method of waste disposal.
Precast concrete vaults are the best solution to fill the requirements demanded during the toughest job site conditions. They can be provided in a variety of shapes such as round, square, or rectangular. Custom shapes are also widely available. Precast concrete vaults can be engineered to meet the most severe loading requirements. This information covers structural performance, quality, economics, risk management, durability, and design.
 Precast concrete producers can find solutions to all kinds of challenges and applications to save you time and money. |